Friday, July 22, 2011

Tie-Dye: Part 1, Cupcakes

Ok, so here it is! The post you've all been waiting for! (Or haven't, I'm not a mind reader!) Tie-Dye Day!!!!
Now ya'll might have noticed it says 'Part 1' in the title, it's because I don't have the T-shirts here with me. (Their still at Amy's house getting last minutes thing done to them!) So, once I get them here with me, I'll post 'Part 2' and that will have the pictures of the Tie-Dye T-shirts and onesies. Sound good? I hope so! Now on with the pictures!!!! Hehe

Don't those look SOOOO good!!!! They are, trust me!!

We got the idea for Tie-Dye Day after we saw The Letter 4's cupcakes!

Have a great day, and once again STAY COOL!!!!



  1. Those turned out so cute! Remember to send your pictures to us and we'll put them up on 'Your Take' day! Great job! Sounded so fun! -xoxo Jade

  2. Aw...Thanks! We'll diffidently send them to you girls!!! =)
