Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
Que memory lane........
- The OC-CIA
The Orange County CIA. We had a 'home base' and everything!
One summer my brothers, my cousin and I made a fort in the woods by nailing some boards to a tree so we could climb it (Johnny did that one. lol), clearing out a 'parking lot' for our bikes, putting some nail's in a tree so we could hang our stuff: like guns, and my back pack full of 'Supplies', and making a sign that said "Orange County CIA: trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again." Yep, we were, are, violent . lol
- Going to Disney World.
Do I even need to describe this one????
I mean, come on! Disney World is the land of dreams! lol
- Getting my scar.
Yeah, I know. Why would that be a significant memory? Because it happened, and I have the scar to prove it. And I have to live with this scar, so of course it's going to be significant. And partly because I like to tease Johnny about it, seeing as he's the one who did it to me.
We were at my aunt's apartment and we were playing on the play ground, and at some point I put my arm over the wire fence and Johnny, who was playing with me, came up behind me and grabbed me, thus causing me to cut my arm. So, a trip to the ER and 6 or 7 stitches later, I've got an scar in the shape of a backwards 1 on my left forearm. lol
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