So, tomorrow I'm going to get my Wisdom Teeth out.........AND I'm freaking out!!! There's four main things I'm freaking out about:
1. I hate needles, so if they don't gas me someone's gonna have to hold my hand! (A little babyish I know.....)
2. I don't like being put to sleep, (And they better put me to sleep, if not I'll be having a panic attack.) I had my tonsils out when I was younger, and I cried when I woke up.....It feels like you lose a big chunk of time, and you can't remember what's going on/where you are when you first come too.
3. I don't like pain, or my blood. (Other people's blood I can do, but mine? Heck no!)
4. And the recovery, I don't like the idea of having big holes in the back of my mouth and I don't want to look like a fish if my face swells....D=
BUT, on the bright side. I can have Ice Cream, Milkshakes and Popsicles!! (Who doesn't love Ice Cream, Milkshakes and Popsicles?!)
Have good night!
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